

This section is used to define a stratified media at the output plane of the imaging system. The situation is as depicted in Figure “Stratified media”. The z- direction coincides with the optical axis when the output plane is not tilt (as set by the parameter Rotation).


Stratified media

The medium is stratified in the z- direction, that is, the refractive index n(z) is a piece-wise constant of function of z,

n(z) = n_l, \; \mbox{for}\; z_{l} \leq z \leq z_{l+1},

where z_l is the position of the l\mbox{th} interface. d_l=z_{l+1}-z_{l} denotes the thickness of the l\mbox{th} layer. The medium below the output plane (z<0) has the refractive index n_{\mathrm{img}} of the optical system’s image space as specified by the parameter ../../OpticalSystem/OutputRefractiveIndex. The multilayer stack is followed by an infinite thick medium of refractive index n_\mathrm{b}.