
Range:Electric, ElectricXYZ, ElectricXZ, ElectricY, Magnetic, MagneticXYZ, MagneticXZ, MagneticY, Scalar-MagneticX, Scalar-MagneticY

Specifies which field components should be computed. The allowed choices have the following meanings:

ElectricXYZ and MagneticXYZ

Use this for rigorous Maxwell solutions with a two-dimensional cross-section. In the first case, the full second order equations for the electric field are solved, yielding a hybrid electric mode where all components are non-zero, see here. In the second case the analogue magnetic field equations are used. Since both settings are derived directly from Maxwell’s equations they yield identical propagation constants k_z. The electric and magnetic fields can be computed from each other by applying Maxwell’s equations.

Scalar-MagneticX and Scalar-MagneticY

Use this for a scalar approximation of Maxwell’s equations (weak guidance approximation, c.f., [1]). The approximation is only valid for low-contrast refractive index profiles. When using Scalar-MagneticX the H_y and H_z components of the magnetic field are neglected. This allows to simplify Maxwell’s equations to derive a scalar equation for H_x. The choice Scalar-MagneticY is treated in an analogue way, but now only the H_y components is non-zero.

ElectricY, MagneticXZ and MagneticY, ElectricXZ

Use these for slab problems with a one-dimensional grid field grid.jcm. For all choices rigorous Maxwell’s equations are solved.

When setting ElectricY, modes with vanishing electric x and z-components are computed. In this case Maxwell’s equations simplifies to a scalar equation for E_y in a rigorous manner. The corresponding magnetic field has a vanishing y-component and can be computed directly when setting MagneticXZ. Hence, setting ElectricY and MagncticXZ yield identical propagation constants k_z.

The considerations for MagneticY and ElectricXZ are similar.


[1]N.J. Cronin, Microwave and optical waveguides, Institute of Physics Publishing, 1995.