

Defines the texture as a graph on a cartesian grid. A Graph consits of N*M height values where N and M are the number of equidistant grid points in x and y directions.

Cartesian {
   NGridPointsX = 20
   NGridPointsY = 20
   Graph = [z_11 z_12 ...
            z_21 z_22  ...
            .      .
            .        .
            .          . ]

There are three ways to define the Cartesian grid in x and y directions.

  • Set the grid points as vectors: GridPointsX and GridPointsY are the point vectors in x and y, respectively.
  • Specify number of used grid points: For each coordinate direction, equally spaced grid points are used to sample the bounding box. NGridPointsX and NGridPointsY are the numbers of points in x and y directions, respectively.
  • Specify the spacing: Each coordinate direction is divided into segments with given length. SpacingX and SpacingY are the spacings in x and y directions, respectively.